Try to run away from a country controlled by machines while taking care of your new born.

  • Change the baby position to move easily without hurting him.
  • Find a safe place to change him when needed.
  • You also need a place to feed him, so find a quiet safe place
  • You can only move at nigth, so hurry up!
  • Stay low to avoid vigilante drones
  • Hold up to climb ledges

Credits to the assest used:

Opening and ending music - Abstraction.

Gameplay music - Rest!

Drone by Luis Zuno @ansimuz

Other assets from here and here.


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Neat idle animation and the concept is interesting. 

Consider reducing the player's speed a bit. Also, I think you should explain your secondary game mechanics a bit more. They seem optional.

I didn't actually hear any sound although you mention it in the credits.